Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Final Post for London Summer 2011


Just a quick update to let you all know that I am back in the States, and everything went great! My plane was on-time, my luggage was under 50 pounds, and the landing of the plane was so smooth I didn't realize we were on the ground!

On Thursday, the 11th, I had the opportunity to watch Les Miserables.  It was a perfect ending to my 10 weeks here.  I had the pleasure to see Alfie Boie as Valjean and Mark Laur as Thernardia.  'Twas brilliant.

On Friday, I went to Bath and Stonehenge.  I took a guided bus tour, and sat next to a extremely intelligent boy, about 4 or 5 years old.  He knew everything, including the history of Stonehenge and Bath, as well as why they were important to the UK.  His parents, bless their hearts, saw and took every opportunity to educate him.  It was fantastic to see. :D.

Stonehenge is awe-inspiring.  The sight itself is quite small, but it set in an non-commercial area, so the surroundings are beautiful!  I'd definitely suggest it to anybody!

I didn't spend enough time in Bath, unfortunately, but the time I did spend there was fun!  I went to the Roman Baths, and eventually ended up at Sally Lunn's bun shop.  It is this cute little shop that has been in business since 1690, and serves the best buns.  I had the "Jane Austen Tea" which was tea, a half a bun, raspberry jam, and clotted cream.  Fantastic!!!!!  When I come back to London, I'll be spending at least a weekend in Bath seeing more!

Looking back, this trip was fantastic.  I cannot even begin to explain on how much I've grown and learned whilst over seas.  If you have any questions, please come talk to me,  I have many stories that I couldn't fit into this blog!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In between the times :)

I have time today to update you on what I've done between the last two posts (sorry this is so out of order), and what is happening in London as of right now.

The Riots.
Yes. big news as of now.  I was sent home early from work today as there were rumors that a few groups of youngsters were roaming around the Isle of Dogs (where my theatre is placed).  Last night a shop was hit just up the street from The Space (my theatre).  We had a show opening tonight, but had to call everybody to let them know that we were closing early.  Most shops throughout London have been closing early, to make sure that their workers get home safely.  Before I went to work, I stopped by one of the local shopping malls.  The inside is completely made of glass, and I was sitting on a bench in the mall reading the newspaper.  I had two maintenance men come up to me and ask for my bench.  They then hauled away all the benches, trash bins, and newspapers stands.  I believe that they were doing that for protective measures.  (i.e. if the shopping mall was hit, the looters couldn't create as much damage.)  The riots aren't actually riots.  More like massive lootings.  The rioters (looters) are aged from about 11 to 26.  Quite young.  They are looting businesses that may have a lot of money. (i.e. jewelry stores.)  The riot originally was a peaceful riot after a man's death, but some have blown it out of proportion (i.e. looting).  However, on the brighter side, and perhaps more interesting??? I hope? I'm safe.  My part of the city hasn't been hit, and I just find it massively interesting that people are destroying their own communities, just because they can....  The transportation is play it by ear.  Last night, as I was traveling home from Phantom of the Opera (amazing btw), we kept getting notices letting us know of stations closing down due to police's advising.  I was able to get home safe.  Busses have been hit (1 or 2 burned), so the busses are trying to re-route, and are concerned for safety of all.  (probably a good thing...)

Now onto what I've been doing between my last two posts.  Sorry if I end up repeating myself (I can't see my old posts whilst writing this, so I'm not exactly sure of what I've covered and what I haven't....)

At the end of July, I came down with a nasty cold.  It took me a few days to get over it, so I didn't do much for a week. womp womp. :( Now I'm recovered and happy as a pea in a pod :).
I went to Westminister Abbey.  Quite a neat place, however, I felt bad as I was stepping on graves.  My favorite grave that I happened to stumble upon was of Aphra Behn.  She (for those who may not know) wrote plays in the 1600s.  What a beast.

I went to the Tate Modern.  I respect modern art, but I still don't understand it.  I did come across the famous "sunflower seed" exhibition.  It's a million porcelain, hand-painted sunflower seeds, put in different designs.  Quite cool.  Whilst wandering around, I found the original site of the Globe.  YOu know I got photos. :D.

I went to the Monument.  It's a monument (thus the title) to the fires of the 1600s.  You can go to the top of this monument (311 steps) and get brilliant photos of the city.  At the end of your treck down the stairs, you get a certificate stating you walked up all the steps.  Quite a beautiful thing :D.  The photo below is of the steps looking down on the steps of the Monument.

I went to Temple Church, created by the Knights of Templar.  Very cool. :) There are a few grave-sights within the church dated to the 1100s.  Very very cool. :)

I think that is all!!!! I'm heading to Bath and Stonehenge on Friday, and on Thursday evening, I'm watching Les Miserables.  I'll let you know if anything else exciting happens over the next few days!!!!


Monday, August 8, 2011

Last Two Weeks. wah wah.

Last week here. I really don't want to leave.  These past two weeks I've been quite independent, as my class is over, and most of my friends have left for the States.  (there were two programs, a 8 week program and a 10 week program.)  On Monday, the 1st, I was supposed to go to Bath and Stonehenge, but my trip got cancelled, so I traveled to Brighton.  It was a great day!!! Brighton is a lovely sea-side town.  The day was beautiful, and thus, I got sunburned.  whoops.  On Wednesday the 3rd, I went to see Billy Elliot. and cried.  It was so touching, so many issues about that musical affected me.  And the dancing? Fantastic. 2 thumbs up.  Thursday? Saw Lend me a Tenor.  David originally suggested this one to me, as he has always wanted to do it.  Let's just say it's David through and through.  I laughed so hard, it was so funny! Thanks David!  On Friday I went to Edinburgh.  The Fringe Festival is going on there (it runs until August 27th or so.) (For you non-theatre majors out there, the Fringe is an international theatre festival).  I left King's Cross at 8 am, and arrived in Edinburgh around 12:30.  After finding my hostel, I walked around the city.  I watched a show, which was terrible, wah wah. The Royal Mile (the main street of Edinburgh) was closed to traffic for theatre vendors to pass out fliers, do skits...the like.  There was so many people and activities. Very cool.  That evening I ate haggis!!! (photo above) It's actually very good. A lot like meatloaf, but very fine.  I'd eat it again!
On Saturday, I traveled to Loch Ness.  The highlands are absolutely beautiful.  I highly recommend it to anybody!!!! Loch Ness is gorgeous!!! and no, unfortunately I didn't see Nessie.  She is so good at hiding.  :D.  I also got to see Highland Cattle.  There was a papa and a baby.  Papa was named Hamish and the other Honey (baby).  They liked bananas.  Strange? I think so :D.
On Sunday I visited the Castle of Edinburgh.  A bit of a tourist trap, as all castles were, but I got to see and understand a bit more of Scotland's history.  I also went to The Museum of Childhood.  It was one of the best museums I've been to.  They had so many cool toys from throughout the times displayed.  One of my favorite things was a Sweeney Todd arcade game.  It was the kind where you'd put in a 5 pence, and it'd show something.  Well, this one showed the story of Sweeney.  My camera died, so I couldn't get a photo of it.  wah wah.  You bet I put in a 5p!
Tonight I saw Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty's Theatre.  As my facebook status says, 'I'd give my first, second, and third born children to call West End's Phantom of the Opera.  The Set changes were amazing!'  The set moved so many different ways, and there were spotlights, quick changes, the whole shebang.  I'd probably have a heart attack if I had to call it, because of safety issues, but it was a joy to watch!
I'll try to post what I've done between my last post and now soon! Cheers :D

Friday, July 22, 2011

okay okay. another update

So it's been far to long since my last update. Sorry :( I'm a terrible person :(.  I'll try to make this short and sweet (there has been a lot going on) :)

I went to the National Theatre to see The Cherry Orchard.  It was pretty good, although I believe the stage was way to big to play Chekhov.  Not to be a Debbie Downer, the set was AMAZING. It was so beautiful!!! In act 1 it was just a regular house...act 2the house split in half and opened backwards to reveal a riverside. VERY COOl. and then the set returned to the house. Quite neato.  I did have some problems with the lighting however, instead of having the "sunlight" naturally build up through the windows, it would sometimes snap on in the middle of a scene.  Perhaps it was the lightboard, (I know I've had some problems with doll's houses' lightboard). . . The acting was good. During the most powerful scene (the last one) somebody's cell phone went off in the audience, and I WAS FURIOUS.  YOU ARE AT THE NATIONAL THEATRE. at least have the brain power to put it on silent. :(.  Note to everybody who walks on Earth. Put turn your phone off when entering the theatre. or the wrath of me will come down upon you. and your children. for all of time. :D
The past few weeks I've visited Camden Market, Borough Market, and Portabello Market.  and I bought a teapot (weird I know, but I couldn't resist). Yes it is purple, and I got it from Alice's, a well known antique shop at Portabello Market.  It is soooo cool!!!!
On Sunday (July 17th?) I went to go see All's Well that End's Well at the Globe.  It was hilarious!!!! If anybody gets the chance to see it, please do!!! Definitely worth it.  I stood in the yard, and it began to rain, and I really felt like a commoner.  The rain didn't dampen my spirits though! At the top of the show, the characters come out to talk to the audience.  One (who was playing Diana) came to talk to me.  She seemed happy that I was a SM major, and was enjoying my time in London.  :D.  At the end of the show, the actors do a court dance, but they added a bit of the chicken dance for a modern twist.  It was very well received by the audience.
Last Friday (the 15th) me and some of my friends went to Windsor.  We didn't want to spend all day in line for the castle, and fork out who-knows-how-many pounds, so we just walked around the small town.  As we were walking, we stumbled across a BEAUTIFUL park.  It reminded us all of a scene from Jane Austen. (and yes, we are all fanatics).  When we returned we went to go see HP 7 part 2. and yes. it was worth it. :D.
On Saturday (the same day I went to Portabello Market), I toured the Tower of London.  Very cool.  A bit on the touristy side, but definitely worth it.  I learned a lot about the history behind the tower, and what went on behind the dreaded walls.
For class, we had to go to an vegetarian Indian restaurant.  The food was so good!!! They served us a pancake type thing filled with potatoes, and a tortilla dish.  The class was split into tables of 4, and our professor sat with me, Jill, and Tim.  When the waiter came to serve our waters, Tim accidentally spilled his water on our professor.  The professor seemed so angry!!!!! and of course, knowing me, I just laughed and laughed and laughed. :D :D :D
This past week I've been ill, so I haven't been doing a lot, unfortunately.  I did, however, get the chance to go to Westminister Abbey.  A big tourist attraction, but worth the queue.  I saw several resting places of important people, including, but not limited to: Aphra Behn, Q. Eliz 1, Q. Mary 1, Mary, Q. of Scots, Handle...the list goes on and on...

More later!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Another Update!

I hope everybody's 4th was great! Mine was fun, considering I was out of the country. :D.  My friends and I went to a bowling alley, and then a pub that played American Music.  It was fun.

Here is some more cool news from me:
  I saw Kiera Knightly.  Yup. Saw. Her. She was in the Arcola Pub (The pub connected to the theatre that Doll's House is in), with her friends.  I was busy painting the floor late that night, and when I went out to wash my paintbrush out, I glanced over, and THERE SHE WAS.  Unfortunatly I didn't get the chance to talk to her (I didn't want to sound dumb, or bring unwanted attention to her), but all the same, there she was.
  We hired a Deputy Stage Manager for Doll's House.  She basically ran load in (when we get into the theatre), and called the show for us.  Unfortuantely she isn't working for us now, but I did learn a lot from her.  She had worked on Mary Poppins, and Les Mis, as well as Cirque de Solei.  On Saturday, when she was done, I was asked to call Doll's House, and did so.  QUITE EXCITING. and nerve-wracking... It went well!
  I now have a girl from Spain living with us.  She is younger (16), and is studying in London to improve her English.  I'm not entirely sure what happened to the Japanese student we had here a few days ago...Perhaps she had to go home?  Anywho, this girl is cute, smart, and fun.  I feel like an older sister to her...
  The tour of Parliament was great (sorry it has taken so long).  Our guide, Jeff, works in the House of Lords and gives tours for fun twice a week.  He had so many interesting stories about Parliament.  For example, the Queen, when coming to give her yearly address to Parliament has to cross an entry way to her changing room from the outside.  This has always been done by previous monarchs.  This entry way, however, has been used to kidnap the monarch previously (I'm not sure which one), so in order to prevent that from happening, a member of Parliament (selected at random) is taken to Buckingham Palace as a hostage.  If anything should happen to the monarch, that member of Parliament is killed on the spot.  This started (I believe in the 1700s) and is still going on today.  Although I was unable to take pictures of the inside of Parliament, I was able to get photos of the original hall (built over 900 years ago).
  I went to Camden Market today!!!! I had to work a light board for a show (the original LBO was double booked and asked me to help her out), and the venue was in Camden.  I went early to see the market, and got some comfortable pants and a jumper dress/skirt thingy.  Quite excited to wear them in the States!  The market was HUGE. I don't think I saw even 1/2 of what they had to offer (even on a Tuesday).  The most popular thing to sell was women's dresses, t-shirts, and souvenirs.
  I'm definitely thinking about coming back and living here once I graduate from Viterbo....I REALLY REALLY REALLY love it here. I'll definitely be sad to go!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sorry it's been so long!

Hello Hello!
  Im in the program for Doll's House.  I didn't think I was going to make it, and was completely fine with not having it be there, but when I looked, I was listed as the Stage Manager!!!! So excited.
  The other day, my director asked me to find Flamebar (a chemical to help fabric not catch on fire) and I asked her where we were going to get that in two days.  Then I remembered where we were. :D On Saturday, I found the Flamebar, and dropped it off.
  I got the opportunity to see Dr Foust at the Globe.  Although there were some mistakes, it was very good. A great first Globe show!! After the actual show, the actors came out with red, skeleton dolls.  They danced, and sang.  They would be creepy if they weren't so cute!  I do think that we (Grant and I) were sitting by assistant directors or assistant stage managers.  They had Dr. Foust scripts out, and were furiously scribbling away in the.  We believe it must've been the preview shows, because of the assistant's reactions.
  Grant, (somebody I've known since highschool, for those who don't know him) is here in London getting his doctorate in theatre.  He showed me the rail services here, and they are AH-MAZING!!! fantastic.  They are so much cleaner, faster, and not as crowded as the tube.  They also take about a half hour off my journey each day. :D.  I'm using them all the time now!
  At work the other day, I got to know Alexia, a girl who is interning (like me) but is from France.  She is very cool, and quite fun.  She's trying to improve her English, and the other day I taught her what "bellybutton" and "Sibling" was.  She taught me that the French say "oi" instead of "ouch."  Perhaps I'll learn more French phrases. :D
  The other day, I went to the British Library.  There, they had a special exhibition showing old manuscripts.  I was able to see Beethoven's original manuscripts, parts of the Magna Carta, and a roll from King Henry VIII's prayer book.  No pictures were allowed, unfortunately. :(
  I'll try to update more! Hope all is well at home!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Catching up!

Hello again!
Things are going great here!!!  I went to the Victoria and Albert Museum, which was fantastic!  They had exhibits on British history, Theatre and Performance, Ceramics, Ironworks, and Tablewear.  Each exhibit in the British History section had pictures, paintings, rooms that resembled times of the period.  I’ve taken so many pictures :D.  
My internship is fantastic.  Everybody is very nice and helpful.  There are about 5 more interns here doing the same thing I am; they too, are very cool.  One is French, one is English, the rest are American.  I’m currently helping out with A Doll’s House, it’s not a part of The Space, but they treat it as though it is.  Alex, who works at the Space is directing it.  Although I won’t be calling the show, I am helping out with the rehearsal reports, the setup and takedown, and organizing props.  All the actors, designers, and interns (including me) have ideas that are more than welcomed.  It’s really really a great way to put on a production.  When I’m not working on Doll’s House, I’m helping out in the office.  I’ve gotten trained to work in the box office, which, I really enjoy.  
I’ve moved into a different room.  This one is purple, and has a canopy bed.  Sweet :D.  Inez is great.  She’s very happy, and very energetic. 
Last night I went to see Wicked.  Spectacular.  The singing was phenomenal, and the design/special effects were to die for.  As expected, the costumes were breathtaking.  Each character had wonderful costumes, it makes me wonder how long it took to build all of them :D.  I did think that young Glinda overacted a bit to much.  She seemed to phoney and over the top, by flinging herself all over the stage.  Her older-self however, was perfect.  I got the chance to talk to the actor who played Faizo, he was great.  I want to get the chance to see if I can sit in on a rehearsal, or during the show on headset.  He told me to contact the company manager.  I’m going to, perhaps I’ll get my wish!
David happened to be in town while I was here.  We met up and went to see Flare Path.  That was a beautiful show.  A bit “happy-go-lucky” in the end, but the acting was phenomenal.  We had restricted sightlines, but could still see the stage.  The theatre it was set in was GREAT.  It was an old theatre, the ceiling was so elaborate and decorated.  It was a wonderful was to be introduced to the West End.  I’m hoping to see Les Mis, Billy Elliot, War Horse, and something from the Globe.
The internet is still not working at my house, but I’ve gotten the password for it.  It now comes up with a login and password for me, which I still don’t know.  
I’m learning how to make English tea! So much better than what we drink in the States. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Should’ve bought Shape-Ups

I made it!  My flight was great.  If anybody needs to fly out of Calgary, do so; it’s a nice airport. (plus the people are friendly).  I only had one flight-nonstop- into Heathrow.  The two seats next to me were empty, so I was able to stretch out and sleep. For an hour ;).  Once I arrived at Heathrow, I had to wait for 2 other girls, so we could take a taxi together.  Customs was fine. I was pretty nervous that I may not have all the right information.  There was a girl in the booth next to me who looked like she was having problems entering.  Something about email, and how she couldn’t enter because she didn’t have it in print.  I hope she made it okay!!! 
Inez, my homestay host, is great.  She has two children, and 6 grandchildren.  Very hip and chill.  Her apartment is quaint, and small, but a great size for just one person.  She’s doing my laundry; that’s a hard task to give up, because I’ve been doing it since 6th grade, but I’ll learn. :)  There is also another girl living with us.  She is from Japan, and is in London to help further her English.  She’ll only be living with us for about another week.  
On Saturday (4), I walked around Battersea Park.  It’s so much bigger than what I thought it was.  It was a sunny, perfect day, and there were so many people.  I, personally, was thinking it may be just me and a few other adventurous souls, but I was wrong.  I just have to remember that I’m living in a city that loves their parks, and enjoys spending time with their family walking, playing, and chatting.  
On Sunday (5), I had a free day, so I decided to check out the underground and the bus system, get an Oyster Card (a debit card for the transportation around London), as well as explore some of the downtown areas.  Once I had found my way to work, I tried going to my school, and got lost.  But I wandered around a bit and found the British Museum (our class is going to that on Monday).  The school must’ve been nearby, but I didn’t look hard enough.  Then I decided to journey to Westminster.  As I walked up the tube stairs, Big Ben was RIGHT NEXT to me.  I took several photos as I wandered around the Houses of Parliament and into Westminster Abbey.  While walking to a pretty building I wanted to take a picture of, I stumbled across the changing of the guards at the House of Guards.  Of course I took a video.  Next thing I know I was at Trafalgar Square.  Where my film ran out.  Thank goodness for my extra chip!  Then I saw Buckingham Palace, where the Salvation Army was having a parade. Next I tried to find my way home, and after getting lost a few times, and having to walk in the rain, (no coat or umbrella, whoops) I found the correct bus.  Who would know the theatre that is holding Billy Eliot is right across the street from the bus station, and the theatre that is housing Wicked is down the street?  Those are two shows I have to see.  
What I’ve learned:
Thank goodness I have walking shoes. They’re perfect. Thanks mom!
Bring a coat or umbrella with you. No matter what. 
The Underground is awesome. Oyster cards are VERY useful.
Sometimes getting lost is okay.
ALWAYS bring an extra camera card chip.          

Thursday, May 19, 2011

T-14 Days!

Welcome to my blog.  In 14 days, I'll be traveling across the Atlantic Ocean for an adventure of a lifetime.  I'll be flying out of Calgary Int. Airport to London.  Once I arrive I'll be spending 10 weeks there, living, working, and having fun.  I cannot wait!!!!
I always knew I wanted to visit London.  This year, through the study abroad office at Viterbo, I saw that they had both Interning Abroad as well as Study Abroad in London.  I chose to Intern Abroad.  In this program I will be working 20 hours in "The Space," a performing arts center and with the acting company that resides there.  The other 20 hours will be spent in the classroom learning different things, such as time management, technology, communications, and team work.  I'll be living with a family; I'm not sure who they are yet, but I still have a few days left!!!!
This process has been hard, frustrating, but totally worth it.  Not only did I have to apply to the program, I had to apply through our study abroad office at Viterbo, get a new passport, and visa.  I am, however, all set to go; I just have to pack!
I'm not sure how much I'll post on here, but I'll try to keep it as updated as possible with photos, and basic information.
