Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Final Post for London Summer 2011


Just a quick update to let you all know that I am back in the States, and everything went great! My plane was on-time, my luggage was under 50 pounds, and the landing of the plane was so smooth I didn't realize we were on the ground!

On Thursday, the 11th, I had the opportunity to watch Les Miserables.  It was a perfect ending to my 10 weeks here.  I had the pleasure to see Alfie Boie as Valjean and Mark Laur as Thernardia.  'Twas brilliant.

On Friday, I went to Bath and Stonehenge.  I took a guided bus tour, and sat next to a extremely intelligent boy, about 4 or 5 years old.  He knew everything, including the history of Stonehenge and Bath, as well as why they were important to the UK.  His parents, bless their hearts, saw and took every opportunity to educate him.  It was fantastic to see. :D.

Stonehenge is awe-inspiring.  The sight itself is quite small, but it set in an non-commercial area, so the surroundings are beautiful!  I'd definitely suggest it to anybody!

I didn't spend enough time in Bath, unfortunately, but the time I did spend there was fun!  I went to the Roman Baths, and eventually ended up at Sally Lunn's bun shop.  It is this cute little shop that has been in business since 1690, and serves the best buns.  I had the "Jane Austen Tea" which was tea, a half a bun, raspberry jam, and clotted cream.  Fantastic!!!!!  When I come back to London, I'll be spending at least a weekend in Bath seeing more!

Looking back, this trip was fantastic.  I cannot even begin to explain on how much I've grown and learned whilst over seas.  If you have any questions, please come talk to me,  I have many stories that I couldn't fit into this blog!


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