Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Another Update!

I hope everybody's 4th was great! Mine was fun, considering I was out of the country. :D.  My friends and I went to a bowling alley, and then a pub that played American Music.  It was fun.

Here is some more cool news from me:
  I saw Kiera Knightly.  Yup. Saw. Her. She was in the Arcola Pub (The pub connected to the theatre that Doll's House is in), with her friends.  I was busy painting the floor late that night, and when I went out to wash my paintbrush out, I glanced over, and THERE SHE WAS.  Unfortunatly I didn't get the chance to talk to her (I didn't want to sound dumb, or bring unwanted attention to her), but all the same, there she was.
  We hired a Deputy Stage Manager for Doll's House.  She basically ran load in (when we get into the theatre), and called the show for us.  Unfortuantely she isn't working for us now, but I did learn a lot from her.  She had worked on Mary Poppins, and Les Mis, as well as Cirque de Solei.  On Saturday, when she was done, I was asked to call Doll's House, and did so.  QUITE EXCITING. and nerve-wracking... It went well!
  I now have a girl from Spain living with us.  She is younger (16), and is studying in London to improve her English.  I'm not entirely sure what happened to the Japanese student we had here a few days ago...Perhaps she had to go home?  Anywho, this girl is cute, smart, and fun.  I feel like an older sister to her...
  The tour of Parliament was great (sorry it has taken so long).  Our guide, Jeff, works in the House of Lords and gives tours for fun twice a week.  He had so many interesting stories about Parliament.  For example, the Queen, when coming to give her yearly address to Parliament has to cross an entry way to her changing room from the outside.  This has always been done by previous monarchs.  This entry way, however, has been used to kidnap the monarch previously (I'm not sure which one), so in order to prevent that from happening, a member of Parliament (selected at random) is taken to Buckingham Palace as a hostage.  If anything should happen to the monarch, that member of Parliament is killed on the spot.  This started (I believe in the 1700s) and is still going on today.  Although I was unable to take pictures of the inside of Parliament, I was able to get photos of the original hall (built over 900 years ago).
  I went to Camden Market today!!!! I had to work a light board for a show (the original LBO was double booked and asked me to help her out), and the venue was in Camden.  I went early to see the market, and got some comfortable pants and a jumper dress/skirt thingy.  Quite excited to wear them in the States!  The market was HUGE. I don't think I saw even 1/2 of what they had to offer (even on a Tuesday).  The most popular thing to sell was women's dresses, t-shirts, and souvenirs.
  I'm definitely thinking about coming back and living here once I graduate from Viterbo....I REALLY REALLY REALLY love it here. I'll definitely be sad to go!

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